Every year, Teach For Armenia enlists mission-aligned and values-driven individuals to become Teacher-Leaders through the organization’s two-year Teacher Leadership Program (a.k.a. “Program”). Our Teacher-Leaders go through intensive ongoing development while teaching in communities across Armenia and Artsakh (unlit Sep.2023) where they are needed the most. After successfully completing the Program, our alumni are given the opportunity to serve as “Ambassadors” for our mission. As Ambassadors, they go on to advocate for our mission as they embark upon various leadership pathways.
In 2017, when I officially became the Teach For Armenia Alumni-Ambassador of Educational Equity, I was well aware that I should carry this title with honor and great responsibility, becoming a role model of an advocate for the education we want to have for all our children in Armenia and Artsakh. But I had no idea what kind of personal and professional growth it would provide me.
Now, reflecting on my achievements of these years, I confidently affirm that, along with my hard work and perseverance, the knowledge, competencies, and opportunities that I have are also thanks to being an Alumni-Ambassador of "Teach For Armenia".
Armine Gevorgyan
1st generation
“In recent years, I continue to contribute to creating equal educational opportunities for all children of Armenia and Artsakh in various ways through Teach For Armenia. As an Associate on the Public Partnership Team, I had an interesting experience working with governmental and non-governmental structures, industry partners, developing my skills and bringing positive changes to the lives of students living in the communities of Armenia and Artsakh through my daily work. As an Alumni-Ambassador, I consider it my mission to direct all my potential to build the motherland, which is based on a law-abiding, educated, and responsible citizen."
Sose Ghazaryan
3rd Generation

In order to further spur their growth, Teach For Armenia organizes continued professional development for its alumni through six key “Leadership Pathways”:
Initially launched in connection with Seroond, the “Instructional-Leader” program was created so that Teach For Armenia’s best teachers can continue to teach through strategic partnerships and special initiatives (like Seroond).
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In 2019, Teach For Armenia launched Seroond, a school transformation initiative that also aims to build a talent pipeline for rising school leaders. Through the program, alumni undergo extensive training in instructional leadership as well as school management.
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Launched in 2019, Káits is Armenia’s first Social Innovation Incubator dedicated to education. Through the program, alumni are provided the training, support, and resources to found their own social ventures.
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Starting in 2021, a cohort of alumni joined Teach For Armenia as “Associates.” Through a part-time and paid training program, alumni are placed in departments across the organization in order to learn about various aspects of nonprofit management.
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In 2022, Teach For Armenia launched Tech4Armenia, an initiative aimed at recruiting tech professionals to teach. Meanwhile, we partnered with one of Armenia’s leading code schools in order to train our alumni to become programmers.
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Over the years, Teach For Armenia has invested heavily in strengthening its internal data systems. Now, we are ready to take it to the next level through our Public Policy Lab, through which we will train our alumni to craft policies that can be adopted by the government.
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Before applying to "Teach For Armenia", Anushik was a science and art teacher at the "Smart Start” International Preschool in Armenia. Within the framework of the Two-year Leadership Program, Anushik taught chemistry and biology in Lernarot, a community of Aragatsotn marz.
“Thanks to Teach For Armenia, I had an unforgettable experience, which left a very important mark on my personal development, acquiring new qualities and becoming more established as a professional. After the program, I participated in the “Step Towards Home” program alongside other amazing alumni, which was an indescribable experience with Diaspora Armenian teenagers. In 2018, I founded the company “Green Construction”, which deals with interior and exterior landscaping. The main focus is the moss imported from the Scandinavian countries, which live for about 10 years without care. By the way, Teach For Armenia was one of my first clients.”
Before applying to the Teach For Armenia program, Knara studied at the Russian-Armenian University in the faculty of social-cultural service and tourism. After graduating, she worked at the "Folk Art Hub" educational and cultural foundation as a restorer of antique carpets and rugs. As a Teach For Armenia Teacher-Leader, she taught Russian language and literature in Koghes village in the Lori region.
“During the Program, I taught Russian in Koghes village. It was my first time living in a rural community, and I saw how hard-working my neighbors were. From very early in the morning to very late at night, they would toil for very little money. In Armenia, people often think that people from the villages are lazy, and I witnessed how very wrong this assumption is. After teaching, I became the CEO and Founder of Zardeni, a project that is incubated by Teach For Armenia’s Social Innovation Incubator. Through Zardeni, we are teaching students from rural communities how to grow edible flowers that can be marketed to Yerevan’s growing upscale food scene. Through this ecological entrepreneurship program, we aim to teach students and their communities how to generate greater income by accessing new markets.”
After completing the program, Knara worked at the Shirakatsi Lyceum, e-School Armenia distance learning project of KTAK, and the State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports of Armenia. In 2020, she applied to Teach For Armenia's Káits Social Innovation Incubator with the idea of founding “Zardeni.”
Before joining the Teach For Armenia program, Vardan studied at the State Pedagogical University of Armenia. During the Program, he taught mathematics, algebra, geometry, physics, and informatics. Immediately after completing the program, he joined the Associates Program for Nonprofit Management through which he supports Teach For Armenia’s Data and Impact Manager. At the same time, he continues to teach in Tsaghkashat village of the Lori region.
“On one hand, the Associates Program has equipped me with new knowledge and experience, especially when it comes to managing large sets of student and teacher performance data. At the same time, I am helping the organization with its data collection and analysis. It’s a win-win for both me and the organization.”
Before joining Teach Armenia, Venera worked as a chemistry and biology teacher at Dzoragyugh and then at Dilijan Central School. Through the Program with Teach For Armenia, she taught chemistry and biology in the Shamiram community of the Aragatsotn region.
“During the Program, I developed my skills to work in a team and to plan my work while improving my management skills. Meanwhile, I expanded my network, which later helped me to solve various problems. I consider the years of Teach For Armenia’s Program to be the springboard for my career. These two years have provided me with the necessary resources to be a better leader."
She currently works as a principal in Alaverdi. At the same time, she works at Teach For Armenia Foundation as a Course Designer and Evaluator. Venera is also involved in the Gitserund program. Starting in September 2022, Venera’s school will be joining the Seroond network through a three-year transformation program.
Before joining Teach For Armenia, Biayna studied at the Yerevan State University in the faculty of International Relations. After graduating she worked as an administrator at Avanta Aesthetic Medicine Center. During the Program, she taught geography as well as social sciences in Katnarat village of the Lori region.
"The Program gave me the conviction that with hard and persistent work it is quite possible to initiate changes on our own, even with the least resources."
After having completed the program, Biyana has been involved in policy development programs aimed at improving the professional development of teachers in the country. In particular, through the "YES" Armenia program, a "Voluntary Teacher Certification" program was developed jointly with the RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports. Later, through a partnership between the Asian Development Bank and the government of Armenia, Biayna supported projects focused on"Teachers’ Standards" and "Teachers’ Professional Development Ways,” the provisions of which were included in the draft amendments to the law on general education. Biayna also led a program launched by Teach For Armenia in partnership with UNICEF aimed at building teacher capacity and community development initiatives. Biyana is currently involved in a program dedicated to human rights. In particular, she advocates for the protection and awareness of the rights of people with disabilities.

Teach For Armenia’s first cohort (otherwise known as the “First Generation” of Teacher-Leaders) started its journey in 2015. Since then, multiple generations of Teacher-Leaders have joined the alumni movement.
For a full list of individuals who have completed Teach For Armenia’s Program:
If you are an alumnus and your profile is missing from this page, please notify us at